6 Easy Ways to Stay Energized During Conferences

Written by Beri Kockaya | Aug 27, 2018 5:00:00 AM

If you’re attending a conference in the coming weeks, here are a few simple ideas to help you stay energized - both physically and mentally- over the course of the event.

1. Stay hydrated

Whether you’ve got an early morning flight to catch for a conference or are connecting with peers over a coffee during a session break, there is a tendency to drink A LOT of caffeine during this time. When you travel and attend events it’s important to remember to drink plenty of water to help you stay alert and focused. No matter where I am, I always try to drink at least 2 litres of water a day. A tip I’ve found useful is to carry your own water bottle. You can take this (empty) through airport security and refill it once you’re through.

2. Pick healthy food options 

One of the things conferences are notorious for are pastries! If possible, try and opt for healthier choices such as a yoghurt smoothie or a piece of fruit.

Better yet, you could always bring your own snacks or a packet of mixed nuts. If presented with a vast array of food from the lunch buffet, try and only select meats, vegetables and salads. Avoid the more heavy carb options such as bread, pasta, cakes etc. This will help you feel less groggy for the next session!

3. Have a plan

Plan which sessions or talks you want to attend ahead of the event. During the break, write down 10 things you learned from that talk and then try and connect it to the work you are currently doing within your company. This will help you retain the information you just learned.

4. Have good shoes!

Usually at conferences you tend to do a lot of walking either around the exhibit hall or walking from session to session therefore it’s important you invest in some comfy shoes. I would not recommend getting new shoes and wearing them for the first time at a conference as you risk having aching toes and sore feet while you break them in.

5. Get a workout in

Personally, the best time for me to workout is in the morning. I feel more focused and I am generally more prepared for the day ahead. During conferences or conventions it might not be feasible to do this as the fitness centre might be overcrowded with people thinking the same as you! To counter act this you could go for a run outside or bring some transportable gym equipment from home, for example, resistance bands or a skipping rope. Alternatively, try and get to the gym during an off-peak period either after the conference or 20 minutes during lunch.

6. Step outside

Finally, make sure you find some time to step outside of the conference building and get some fresh air. Sometimes the oxygen may be limited within a venue and the lighting may make you feel mentally sluggish.

 By stepping outside for a few minutes, you’re getting more oxygen resulting in better brain functioning as well as improving your concentration skills so you’re ready to take on the next session!

Have a great event!

Beri Kockaya is a health and fitness enthusiast and qualified personal trainer. She helps the busy and successful career woman who travels learn how to fully optimise herself in mindset and fitness, and how to develop a healthy body and attitude. She is based and lives in London.

Follow Beri on Instagram @berifit or email