Katie Mehnert Weighs In On the Trump Factor and Energy

Written by ALLY | Nov 10, 2016 9:00:00 PM

Rigzone featured Katie Mehnert in a blog post by Valerie Jones, a career editor. They discussed how the election outcome will either hinder or influence the energy sector and its job market. 

Katie stated that Trump was the only candidate who came out and directly supported oil and gas.

She believes with an increased global demand for energy and the ending of the Great Crew Change. The focus should be on replacing the exodus of industry workers.

“Trump will continue a policy of energy independence in the U.S., and that will create an opportunity for us,” Mehnert told Rigzone. “There’s a unique challenge ahead in that we’ve lost a lot of talent, a lot of specialized people in the industry. We need to plan for the cycles.”

Mehnert said Trump needs to appoint people who are knowledgeable about the oil and gas sector to put a plan into place to make that promise of job creation happen.

How will energy pan out under new leadership?