Setting up your supplier profile and invoicing in

Want to get paid? Follow these steps and we'll get you on your way.

Each Contractor should review the terms of payment within their Statement of Work. ALLY Energy uses so it is an easier process if the contractor is setup on as well.
*Read the email sent to your and fill out the supplier form.
*Setup Invoice in to go to 
*Send PNI to Angela Gonzalez (Payment Network ID)
    • Log into>Settings>Company Profile>Network to see PNI
    • Once the PNI has been submitted please be on the lookout for a connect email from ALLY Energy. Please make sure that you accept that email by going into your Inbox.
    • When you are connected please send an invoice for approval through the system. Failure to send an invoice in the system to be approved will cause delays!
Notes: Generally, as a principle, we seek to pay within the terms of the invoice OR at the next AP pay cycle, which is twice a month.  All this is subject to the invoice being approved by the AP pay cycle; otherwise, the payment is made at the next AP cycle.  We also do a cash flow reconciliation and forecast twice a month which informs that vendor payments.