Energy Venture Day and Pitch Competition | Co-Hosted with HETI, Rice Alliance and TEX-E

Energy Venture Day and Pitch Competition | Co-Hosted with HETI, Rice Alliance and TEX-E

Applications Open Now for 2024 Energy Venture Day and Pitch Competition at CERAWeek

The Rice Alliance, the Houston Energy Transition Initiative (HETI) and TEX-E are partnering for the annual Energy Venture Day and Pitch Competition at CERAWeek, set to take place in the Agora on March 20, 2024.

The Energy Venture Day and Pitch Competition features pitches from more than 40 energy ventures driving efficiency and advancements toward the energy transition. The fast-paced competition is designed to connect energy startups with venture capitalists, corporate innovation groups, industry leaders, academics, and service providers.

The Energy Venture Day and Pitch Competition will showcase ventures across three industry tracks, spanning materials to clean energy. Industry experts and investors will judge the pitches, and the top three ventures from each track will be named at the conclusion of the event.

The pitches from energy ventures will include a university track, the TEX-E prizehighlighting the innovations of five Texas student-led energy startups. With mentorship leading up to the competition, these student startups will compete for cash prizes.


Event Details

Energy Venture Day and Pitch Competition:

  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  • Agora at CERAWeek; George R Brown Convention Center, 3rd Floor
  • Hosted by Rice Alliance, HETI and TEX-E
  • Agora pass needed 
  • 3.5-minute pitches from 40+ energy ventures 
  • 4 tracks for energy transition ventures, including the TEX-E Prize

Office Hours Between Investors and Energy Ventures: 

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024
  • The ION Houston 
  • Invite-Only; For selected energy ventures and investors 

Event Details

19 March, 2024

8:00 AM


Partner Event

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